- A love letter
- About
- Accessibility
- Appointments
- Awards
- Case Illustration: John (age 49) and Mary (age 52)
- Case Illustration: The Case of Mr. B
- Cheating/Lying
- Client Scheduler
- Common Misconceptions about Infidelity in the Digital Age
- Communication Issues
- Contact
- Cyber Infidelity: A Treatment Model for the Great Challenge to Contemporary Relationships.
- Cyber Infidelity: How Spouse can Deal with it?
- Feelings of Isolation
- Five Principles
- Home
- How Can the Wound of the Betrayed Partner be Healed?
- How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
- How is Infidelity in the Digital Age Different from Infidelity?
- Human Sexuality Track Sessions
- I don’t want to be the cyber sex police, but I can’t stop checking the phone
- Infidelity in the Digital Age
- Mechanisms that Support Infidelity in the Digital Age
- Media - Draft New
- Media Appearances
- New Patients
- Non-Sexual Intimacy Problems
- Online Forms
- Online infidelity: Identifying, and dealing with, cyber affairs
- Online infidelity: The new challenge to marriages
- Out of Control Sexual Behavior
- Presentation Slideshow
- Professionals
- Recovery From Infidelity in the Digital Age: Anger vs Vindictiveness
- Resources
- Services
- Sexual Addiction or Out of Control Sexual Behavior?
- Sexual Addiction: A Psychological Model for the Treatment of Out-of-Control Sexual Behaviors
- Sexual Intimacy Problems
- Sitemap
- Sometimes There’s a Kink in the Link
- Surviving a Facebook-Cheating Partner
- Thank You
- The Evolution and Growth of Technology and Communications
- The Search for the Elusive “Why?”
- The Truth About Online Cheating
- The Two Faces of Trauma in Infidelity in the Digital Age: Trauma of the Partner/Spouse
- The Two Faces of Trauma in Infidelity in the Digital Age: Trauma of the Unfaithful Partner/Spouse
- Videos & Podcasts